I'm Pawel Spychala. (Paul Spychala)

This is my home page. I am a programmer that loves to solve hard problems. I have recently specialized in the biotechnology field to help scientists and researchers around the world do what they do.

For business inquiries, you can reach me at paulspychala@gmail.com.

I'm working on VisiSim.

VisiSim is a online simulator for many different biological processes such as signaling networks and metabolic networks. The project is written all by me in Typescript and Javascript with a simple backend written in Golang.

I maintain odepack.js

I maintain the odepack.js repository at github. The odepack was originally written in 1987 at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and has been the basis of most current odesolvers used today.

I also maintained most of VisiScience applications.

VisiScience has a multitude of products and services that were either written or maintained by me. There are a lot of different products ranging from Windows and Mac applications written in C++ to ObjC to C# to online products and services written in many different languages such as Java, Javascript, Typescript, Dart, Golang, Python, PHP, SQL, and many others.

Other work

I co-founded VisiNets in 2013, which published some papers. I also used to create some video games in my spare time, including Karma Riot (with Mike Daly), and Pinin Rodizo (with Mike Daly) and many others that never made it online.